Register Now for the Winter 2025 Season!
...And claim a limited-time $300 discount when you enroll.
Publishing doesn't have to be so mysterious.
Discover the fastest track to becoming a published author.
Led by Kelly Bergh
Mondays at 11am ET
January 27th through March 3rd
For Writers of Self Help and Spirituality
Led by Craig Pyette & JillEllyn Riley
Wednesdays at 1.30pm ET
February 5th through March 12th
For Writers of Memoir, Fiction, and Nonfiction
Led by Lucinda Halpern & Nora Zelevansky
Tuesdays at 12:30pm ET
from January 21st to February 25th
All Fiction & Nonfiction Genres, taught by the President and CEO of Lucinda Literary
Spaces are filling. Limited seats available.
Can't make the session dates? No problem!
All writers receive a video replay of every session, so you never have to worry about falling behind schedule.
Few spots remaining. This offer expires this week.
Determine how to make your idea BIG enough to capture a wide readership
Learn about the right genre and comparative titles for your book
Learn how to reach that audience and attract the attention of agents, publishers, and readers
Get access to the right people to FINISH, market, or publish your book
Receive an industry professional's input on the publishing path that's right for you
Identify your next steps without wasting any more time!
We will help you stay on track with weekly assignments & resources, plus two bonus office hour sessions, to complement what you are learning during the classes.
In just 6 sessions, you will gain the confidence, resources, network, and support needed to elevate your book idea and market yourself to readers, agents, or publishers!
It’s time to learn the step-by-step process to get published from actual literary agents.
For fiction and nonfiction writers at any stage of the process, from beginner to advanced.
Memoir, Spiritual, & Self-Help Cohort
Taught by Kelly Bergh
Mondays at 11am ET
from January 27th through March 3rd
Nonfiction & Fiction Cohort
Taught by Craig Pyette and JillEllyn Riley
Wednesdays at 1.30pm ET
from February 5th through March 12th
~ President Tier ~
Nonfiction & Fiction Cohort
Taught by Lucinda Halpern & Nora Zelevansky
Tuesdays at 12:30pm ET
from January 21st to February 25th
Two additional meeting times on top of the six weekly classes to get any follow up questions answered on your personal project, (plus the video replay of these meetings, provided to all writers whether you attend or miss the meeting!)
Watch 18+ interviews with bestselling authors, Big 5 editors, NYC lit agents, and media experts
Including connections to book collaborators, publicists, designers, and more!
After beginning her career as an editor in academic publishing and briefly serving as a children’s librarian, Kelly joined Lucinda Literary to begin building a list in adult practical nonfiction, specifically in the categories of health and wellness, spirituality, and popular science. She selectively takes on children’s and gift books/decks in the same areas.
A certified yoga teacher, Kelly is drawn to representing authors who seek to educate and empower those curious about what it means to live in alignment with their values. She is looking for PhDs and journalists who want to share their research with a general audience, as well as established thought leaders and influencers seeking a new medium through which to connect with their existing audiences.
Kelly holds a master’s degree in publishing from Drexel University and splits her time between Philadelphia and Seattle.
Craig brings over two decades of experience as an in-house editor at Penguin Random House, publishing bestselling and award-winning nonfiction, with a history of developing successful marketing and publicity strategies. He has particular interest in the areas of investigative nonfiction and true crime; psychology, health and popular science; economics, business and big idea nonfiction.
In particular, journalists, academics and other specialists looking to package their extensive knowledge base, research and experience for a popular readership will be able to refine their pitches and projects with the advice, insight and guidance Craig provides.
With Lucinda Literary, he is developing a select list of thought leaders and innovators who bring unique and challenging perspectives to the world of books.
JillEllyn Riley is a #1 New York Times bestselling writer and editor, with extensive experience in crafting and telling stories. It all comes down to voice — listening, honing, and developing the author’s authentic one. JillEllyn specializes in mission-driven nonfiction collaborations, particularly memoir; narrative nonfiction; women’s issues; cultural & social history; progressive politics; and social & popular psychology, as well as young adult & middle grade. Amy Cuddy, Julianna Barbassa, Judith Newman, artist Sue Coe, and ALS activist Brian Wallach are among her authors. As a ghostwriter and developmental editor, her projects have garnered six-figure advances and sold to major publishers.
Nora Dahlia Zelevansky is a sought-after ghostwriter, book doctor and writing coach, who has collaborated on Lucinda Literary titles including The Happy High Achiever (Hachette), The Soul Solution (Sounds True), Raising Hell, Living Well (Penguin Random House) and more. Her journalism has appeared in The New York Times, Elle, The Wall Street Journal, the LA Times, Vanity Fair and Condé Nast Traveler, among many others. She is the author of upcoming novel, Pick-Up (out in December 2024 with Gallery Books), as well as three upmarket commercial novels, Competitive Grieving, Will You Won’t You Want Me? and Semi-Charmed Life, and one nonfiction book, Roll Red Roll: Rape, Power, and Football in the American Heartland. She lives in Brooklyn with her graphic novelist husband, two kids and enormous cat, Waldo.
With over fifteen years of experience in corporate and agency publishing, Lucinda serves both sides of the literary and business worlds.
Lucinda began her publishing career in the Publicity Division of HarperCollins, where she assisted on the campaigns of Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt (Freakonomics) among other New York Times bestselling authors. She then went on to work in Scholastic’s Marketing Partnerships Division, where she helped to develop and sell custom publishing programs to a variety of Fortune 500 companies and global nonprofits. She began her literary representation career at Fletcher & Company, where she also acted as a marketing consultant to Gretchen Rubin, among others.
Today, she represents authors writing in the categories of business, health, lifestyle, popular science, narrative nonfiction, memoir, and upmarket fiction, including New York Times bestselling author Susan Peirce Thompson (Bright Line Eating), Jake Wood (Once a Warrior), Cait Flanders (The Year of Less), Chris Bailey (The Productivity Project; Hyperfocus), Paul Jarvis (Company of One), and the new work of New York Times bestselling author of The Nanny Diaries, Nicola Kraus.
Today, Lucinda enjoys teaching writers of all stages to improve their query packages and find their big idea. She is the author of Get Signed: Find An Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author, published with Hay House in February of 2024.
"Lucinda and her entire team are professionals with not only expertise but hearts. They know the industry, they know writers, they know content and strategy. This course was informative, supportive, and I left with a clear path forward to get signed. It was all worth every cent."
—Gretel Patch, Memoirist
"Both of my instructors were warm and encouraging. I appreciated their knowledge and experience. I'd work with them again in a heartbeat.
—Robin Cohn, Self-Help Author
"Roseanne and Julia bring tremendous experience and knowledge to the weekly sessions and foster a welcoming, safe, productive, and fun environment. There is a tonne of information to process and absorb but they have the gift of breaking it all into digestible pieces."
—Erik Abbott, Novelist
"I appreciated the instructors eagerness to share what they know to truly help us move forward with our books. I appreciated how they strived to make sure everyone was included. The teaching felt authentic, and not like a show they were putting on."
—Deanna Washington, Novelist
"Lucinda reinforces her contagious enthusiasm with practical advice for authors who want to publish the best possible book for a target audience. Generous with her expertise, Lucinda demystifies the publishing industry and offers a wealth of resources to equip us for the pitch-query process. I'm not there yet with my memoir manuscript, but one day soon I will be able to say, "I Got Signed!"
—Andi Penner, Memoirist
"Feel super fortunate to have been in one of the first groups and having the opportunity to engage with Lucinda! But the exposure to so many voices in the industry and the really clear guidance about how to present my project was really a game changer. Truly illuminating!"
—Alissa Barthel, Self-Help Writer
"My journey into the publishing world was like walking in knee deep mud. Then I took the six-week accelerator course with the Lucinda Literary Agency. It was as if Lucinda reached down and grabbed me by the arm and lifted me onto solid ground. Now I’m running toward success. Her course opened my eyes to how to become an author, not a struggling writer. Lucinda gave me the tools. From her excellent teaching, I created a website and have a six-month, one year, and five-year plan. Also, it didn’t take long; we began collaborating with each other. Strangers became friends. We became a community. Even now, as the training has concluded, I stay in contact with my classmates. It’s because Lucinda creates an environment of sharing. Lucinda selflessly paves the road for us literary artists who simply want to share what we love. For me, as I take the necessary steps forward. I have accelerated into someone who can be successful. I thank Lucinda for such hope."
—Dave Davison, Novelist
"I’ve been part of many coaching programs throughout a decade or so in the publishing world. However, this Accelerator Program was unique in the specific ways it pushed writers to accelerate in their publishing journey. I made connections with industry professionals I never would have otherwise and finished the program seeing my manuscript in an entirely new light. Writers are always told to consider the reader, but this program gave me the concrete tools to understand how to do so as well as how to position my book in the marketplace. Both aspects are vital to succeed in traditional publishing. Thank you, Lucinda and team!"
—Sarah Rexford, Novelist
"I filled up my notebook with enough ideas and information to put together a bang-up book proposal for my memoir."
—Frank Hyman, Memoirist
"There's something about your agency--you and your team--that feels different and genuine and kind. I feel a sense of caring among all of you that filters down to your authors, in the way you write about them in your book and in the way you speak about them on Zoom"
—Tess Enterline, Memoirist
"I felt electrified leaving the last session of Accelerators. It brought back my joy in writing. I’m so grateful.”
—Elaine, Children's Author
"As an emerging writer who is still in the early phases of my career, I recommend Lucinda Literary's [program] to help take the mystery out of getting an agent's attention and maximizing your chances for success.
—Kristy Jackson, Author of Mortified
"Lucinda's prowess? She is able to guide a creative person's mind—which fires in a million divergent directions—towards a single, poignant, powerful idea... and then helps refine the idea to ensure it resonates with readers. Masterful!"
—Serena Quaglia, Business
"I left confident and very clear about what I need to do to give my manuscript the best chance with an agent."
—Rowan Mangan, Novelist
"The clear guidance to find my writing community led me to Lucinda and this group... It's a vulnerability I've never known and I WANT MORE. From the first session, it's been so easy to share things that I've only shared with those closest to me. I believe it's the freedom that's necessary in the transformation of my little story into a big idea. [The expert had] ignited breakthrough after breakthrough and I have nothing but gratitude."
—Colleen Ryan-Hensley, Self-Help
"Lucinda Halpern is a true inspiration. She knows so much about the publishing industry. In addition, she is very kind to writers with all our questions and concerns and does her best to address both. Lucinda is a delightful person and a powerful resource!"
—Michie Shaw, Fiction Author
"Thanks so much for the hour you spent answering so many questions relevant to what you know best and we aspiring writers want to know. Your kind, friendly tones and presentation, by the way, were the icing"
—Alva Moore, Historical Fiction Author
"This was a gift to me and now I've got to get my ass to work"
—Sierra Ryals, Memoirist
"As an author desiring to work with a literary agent and bigger publishing house, Lucinda gave me a dose of encouragement with a side of honesty and tough love. I walked away with introspection and inspiration. You don't know what you don't know. Lucinda shared what I needed to know. I now feel I have what I need to position myself for what's to come.
—Charlotte Avery, Memoirist
Our Book Accelerator was designed for writers of all genres at any stage of the publishing process. Whether you write in the nonfiction, memoir, or any fiction genre, you'll get the guidance needed to make great strides for your book.
It doesn't matter if you have or have not yet written your manuscript or book proposal, or whether you have or have not queried agents. Writers who are just beginning will benefit greatly from this experience! And if you've published before, this program will also be of value to you, providing real-time industry insights from the experts that you should now about publishing a book in today's market.
The program takes place live over virtual Zoom meeting links. Over the course of 6 virtual live classes, plus an additional two virtual office hours sessions, with expert NYC literary agent and other attending writers to review the class lesson for each session as well as have a discussion portion to work collaboratively on your questions and materials. All Accelerators will receive the recorded replay of every session, whether they have or have not attended.
We understand that you have to miss a class or two! Video replays will be available to you following each session, and you will be able to submit any questions you'd like to get addressed during the session in advance! Plus, we'll help you keep on track by providing weekly assignments and resources from every session. You will have all the tools you need in hand, even if you can't attend a class live. If you begin the program and are no longer able to attend the sessions, we will work with you—don't worry!
It is complementary to Lucinda's book - the program contains updated information, case studies, and insights that go well beyond the book, with a coaching experience that's unparalleled and isn't offered elsewhere.
While our team will review your information for the course, formal material review isn't included within the program itself. However, we offer exclusive follow-up opportunities for all Accelerators to meet with agents and our Publishing Pros where writers can have their material reviewed and workshopped with our experts!
There are 6 classes per program unit. Each class is 75 minutes long. These classes take place weekly over the course of 6 weeks. Plus, we offer different days and times to meet your schedule!
Our Accelerator Program has a number of cohort sessions that are scheduled throughout the season. This means that there are several individual cohorts, each led by a single publishing expert, that take place on a certain day at a weekly occurrence over 6 weeks.
Cohort sessions typically take place at either 11am, 1pm, 2pm or 4pm Eastern (though times may vary depending on the instructor's schedule and curriculum's season). If you would like more information on when our cohorts take place, please send a message to
Yes! Our program is hosted on a rotating schedule. If you would like more information on when our cohorts take place, please send a message to
If you are interested in meeting with a literary agent right away in a private consultation, visit our Private Consultations page. However, this option does not offer the continued support, takeaways, resources and community channel of our Accelerators program.
This program costs $1,582 USD for Cohorts One and Two, though we are now offering a special limited time discount! We offer the following payment plans for Cohorts One and Two:
Our Presidential Tier of this program costs $2,182 USD, though we are now offering a special limited time discount ! We offer the following payment plan for the Presidential Tier:
For questions regarding payment plans, please contact our team at
Have more questions? Contact our team at
© LUCINDA LITERARY ACADEMY - LUCINDA LITERARY | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | © 2024 The 6-Week Book Accelerator Program™ – a Lucinda Literary Company. All rights reserved.