A leading New York literary agent unlocks the secrets to realizing a lifelong dream so many people have—to become an author.



Lucinda Halpern is the founder of Lucinda Literary and a literary agent with a rich history of success. Her portfolio boasts internationally recognized and New York Times bestselling authors in both fiction and nonfiction. Lucinda has an impressive track record of securing significant book deals with major publishers, including Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Hachette, Macmillan, and HarperCollins.

Beyond representing established authors, Lucinda is committed to empowering aspiring writers. She offers courses and speeches designed to demystify the confusing world of publishing. Her comprehensive course, "Get Signed," has inspired her upcoming book by the same name, which will be released with Hay House and distributed by Penguin Random House worldwide on February 6, 2024.

Lucinda's passion for helping writers achieve their dreams extends to the stage. She's a sought-after speaker for private events, keynotes, corporations and conferences.


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  • How to Find the Right Book Idea: What Makes Your Topic Unique and Different?
  • The 3 Keys to Book Writing Success
  • The Publishing Process: An Inside Peek
  • Winning Practices and Common Errors Writers Make in Their Query Letters
  • How to Write Your Life’s Story Effectively
  • How To Create Your Author Career From a Livelihood that Brings You Income (and Joy)


  • Tapping into Your Superpowers as a Female Founder
  • What to Prepare for When Launching a Business
  • How to Create Trusted New Client Relationships
  • Understanding Your Weaknesses Will Build the Strongest Teams
  • Establishing Yourself as a Thought Leader
  • Think Outside the ‘No’: Sales and Negotiation Strategies You Haven’t Heard Before
  • Why Networking is Vital in Any Career, and How to Do It
Lucinda Halpern photo

More About Lucinda

Lucinda Halpern is a literary agent with over 15 years’ experience in both the publicity and agency sides of publishing. Before founding Manhattan-based literary agency Lucinda Literary, she worked in the Publicity division of HarperCollins, where she assisted on the media campaign for Freakonomics among other New York Times bestsellers. She later took a management role in Sales and Marketing at Scholastic, before becoming a marketing consultant for Gretchen Rubin (The Happiness Project) and others, and then launching her career as an agent. She has worked with such publishers as HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Hachette, and currently represents authors writing in the categories of business, health, lifestyle, popular science, narrative nonfiction, memoir, and upmarket fiction. 

Are you interested in hosting Lucinda on your podcast or inviting her to speak at your event?

Whether it's a podcast or a live gathering, Lucinda Halpern brings a wealth of knowledge, and a history of galvanizing and motivating large and small audiences to accomplish their goals. Contact her today to explore how she can make your event unforgettable.


What People Say

Lucinda Halpern is highly experienced, giving and perceptive—in short, she's the real deal!

—Peter Melnick

Lucinda is an aspiring author's secret weapon. By August, I was thrilled to be offered representation… and by December, I had a book deal!”

—Sara McEroy, Author of Women Who Walk

Having already written a book, I was trying to understand the ins and outs of the publishing world and get some guidance with regards to my next steps. Lucinda gave me all the clarity I needed. She answered any questions I could dream up, grounded me, inspired me, and set me straight on my road to getting signed.”

—Troy Hadeed, Author of My Name is Love

...For the first time in years [I was reminded] of all I bring to the table. What a boost—Thank you!

–Janine Macbeth

“While it’s obvious Ms. Halpern has been a bridge carrying both novice and established writers to higher levels of success for years, what impressed me the most [...] was her humble approach and personalized feedback that better clarified my novel’s genre and made my query letter more compelling to readers.”

—Pamela Mshana

Lucinda on how to write an effective letter got me a publishing contract within two weeks of sending out my proposal! Lucinda has a lot of energy and her passion to help you succeed is extraordinary! Her team is also dedicated to keeping you focused and on task. It has been a profitable and rewarding experience working with Lucinda Literary. I plan to continue to keep our relationship current as I move on to book #2!”

—Lee H. Rosen

I “unlearned” several bad strategies I’d been taught in the past.

—Aliina Hopkins

“[Lucinda’s] feedback on my letter and ideas for platform building were clear, personal, and most importantly, do-able.”

—Stephanie Kriesberg

“Lucinda combines a positive attitude with constructive criticism to give authors inspiration and specific guidance. Her experience and advice is relevant for both new authors and those already published. My query letter improved immensely through this course to shine at its best. I have renewed hope.”

—Heather Buchanan

"I left [...] confident and very clear about what I need to do to give my manuscript the best chance with an agent."

—Rowan Mangan

“It was illuminating. Learned more from [Lucinda] in minutes than in months and months of feedback from elsewhere. Invaluable!”

—Annie Oswald

“For writers who are not New York adjacent, the opportunity to meet and learn from an established literary agent is invaluable.”


"Being part of Lucinda's class removed all of the isolation and mystery around the publishing process I'd felt working on my manuscript. I now know what it takes to break through, and feel so happy and confident in the publishing path I've chosen. Thank you, Lucinda!"


“Lucinda Literary's programming for would-be authors gives us exactly what we desire: a peek behind the curtain into the labyrinth that is the publishing world and a bespoke path that will take us to the other side. My book concept and proposal have evolved immeasurably—so much more richness, texture and depth—since beginning work with Lucinda and her team. I could not recommend more highly her programs for authors who are serious about building a platform and career in this industry.”

— Anonymous