On average, most aspiring authors spend years thinking about a book in the course of a lifetime.
Unfortunately, very few get published.
If you've landed on this page, it's because you want to know what it takes
and you know you need expert guidance.
Don’t waste thousands of dollars and years of your time navigating the publishing world alone.
This opportunity offers you the chance to get vital feedback and the right direction from the industry professionals who actually sign new talent everyday.
How it Works
You’ll meet with a publishing expert from Lucinda Literary via Zoom to go over your book idea, where you are in the publishing process, and your author goals. No preparation needed! All we need is to hear from you.
Our agent will review your with you and provide feedback for maximizing your chances of book success.
You’ll meet again with your expert to workshop your material based on your first session. This can be up to 25 pages of anything you wish to share for your project. Your Publishing Pro will give you more specific guidance to get your material in the best shape possible.
You’ll receive a customized plan, curated by the Lucinda Literary team, for the next steps you should focus on to attract the attention of agents, publishers, and readers, no matter how your choose to publish your book.
Special Offer: Make Progress before 2024 Ends!
Workshop with one of Lucinda Literary's Publishing Experts
The total investment for this coaching program is $1,062 USD, payable by debit or credit card. A non-refundable deposit of $531 USD guarantees your enrollment in the program. You will be automatically billed the remaining installment of $531 USD one month after your original purchase date.
Workshop with President & CEO Lucinda Halpern
The total investment for this coaching program is $1,462 USD, payable by debit or credit card. A non-refundable deposit of $731 USD guarantees your enrollment in the program. You will be automatically billed the remaining installment of $731 USD one month after your original purchase date.
After beginning her career as an editor in academic publishing and briefly serving as a children’s librarian, Kelly joined Lucinda Literary to begin building a list in adult practical nonfiction, specifically in the categories of health and wellness, spirituality, and popular science. She selectively takes on children’s and gift books/decks in the same areas.
A certified yoga teacher, Kelly is drawn to representing authors who seek to educate and empower those curious about what it means to live in alignment with their values. She is looking for PhDs and journalists who want to share their research with a general audience, as well as established thought leaders and influencers seeking a new medium through which to connect with their existing audiences.
Kelly holds a master’s degree in publishing from Drexel University and splits her time between Philadelphia and Seattle.
Nora Dahlia Zelevansky is a sought-after ghostwriter, book doctor and writing coach, who has collaborated on Lucinda Literary titles including The Happy High Achiever (Hachette), The Soul Solution (Sounds True), Raising Hell, Living Well (Penguin Random House) and more. Her journalism has appeared in The New York Times, Elle, The Wall Street Journal, the LA Times, Vanity Fair and Condé Nast Traveler, among many others. She is the author of upcoming novel, Pick-Up (out in December 2024 with Gallery Books), as well as three upmarket commercial novels, Competitive Grieving, Will You Won’t You Want Me? and Semi-Charmed Life, and one nonfiction book, Roll Red Roll: Rape, Power, and Football in the American Heartland. She lives in Brooklyn with her graphic novelist husband, two kids and enormous cat, Waldo.
Liz Morrow is an author, ghostwriter, collaborator, and thought partner for entrepreneurs, leaders, industry experts, and high-net-worth individuals. She has been writing professionally for over ten years, sold book proposals for multiple six figures, and published with “Big 5” publishers. At the start of her career, she worked with author and entrepreneur Jeff Goins, helping him build and develop his boutique agency.
Some of her notable clients and collaborations include Stu McLaren, Natalie Ellis, Lucinda Halpern, Casey and Meygan Caston, Dr. Lisa Koche, Grant Baldwin, Pat Flynn, and Sarah Williams. She’s written books for Penguin Random House, Hay House, HarperOne, HarperCollins Leadership, Bloomsbury, and Baker Books.
Liz is the author of Hungry Authors: The Indispensable Guide to Planning, Writing, and Publishing a Nonfiction Book (Bloomsbury) and hosts the weekly writing podcast, Hungry Authors, with her business partner and friend, Ariel Curry. Her specialty is nonfiction, specifically personal and professional growth and development books.
She is especially skilled at helping subject matter experts and those with an interesting story, identify their goals, clarify their message, and write a book that connects with the audience it's meant to. Her favorite projects are those that expand her knowledge and introduce her to inspiring authors.
Craig brings over two decades of experience as an in-house editor at Penguin Random House, publishing bestselling and award-winning nonfiction, with a history of developing successful marketing and publicity strategies. He has particular interest in the areas of investigative nonfiction and true crime; psychology, health and popular science; economics, business and big idea nonfiction.
In particular, journalists, academics and other specialists looking to package their extensive knowledge base, research and experience for a popular readership will be able to refine their pitches and projects with the advice, insight and guidance Craig provides.
With Lucinda Literary, he is developing a select list of thought leaders and innovators who bring unique and challenging perspectives to the world of books.
JillEllyn Riley is a #1 New York Times bestselling writer and editor, with extensive experience in crafting and telling stories. It all comes down to voice — listening, honing, and developing the author’s authentic one. JillEllyn specializes in mission-driven nonfiction collaborations, particularly memoir; narrative nonfiction; women’s issues; cultural & social history; progressive politics; and social & popular psychology, as well as young adult & middle grade. Amy Cuddy, Julianna Barbassa, Judith Newman, artist Sue Coe, and ALS activist Brian Wallach are among her authors. As a ghostwriter and developmental editor, her projects have garnered six-figure advances and sold to major publishers.
Some of her notable clients and collaborations include Stu McLaren, Natalie Ellis, Lucinda Halpern, Casey and Meygan Caston, Dr. Lisa Koche, Grant Baldwin, Pat Flynn, and Sarah Williams. She’s written books for Penguin Random House, Hay House, HarperOne, HarperCollins Leadership, Bloomsbury, and Baker Books.
Liz is the author of Hungry Authors: The Indispensable Guide to Planning, Writing, and Publishing a Nonfiction Book (Bloomsbury) and hosts the weekly writing podcast, Hungry Authors, with her business partner and friend, Ariel Curry. Her specialty is nonfiction, specifically personal and professional growth and development books.
She is especially skilled at helping subject matter experts and those with an interesting story, identify their goals, clarify their message, and write a book that connects with the audience it's meant to. Her favorite projects are those that expand her knowledge and introduce her to inspiring authors.
With over fifteen years of experience in corporate and agency publishing, Lucinda serves both sides of the literary and business worlds.
Lucinda began her publishing career in the Publicity Division of HarperCollins, where she assisted on the campaigns of Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt (Freakonomics) among other New York Times bestselling authors. She then went on to work in Scholastic’s Marketing Partnerships Division, where she helped to develop and sell custom publishing programs to a variety of Fortune 500 companies and global nonprofits. She began her literary representation career at Fletcher & Company, where she also acted as a marketing consultant to Gretchen Rubin, among others.
Today, she represents authors writing in the categories of business, health, lifestyle, popular science, narrative nonfiction, memoir, and upmarket fiction, including New York Times bestselling author Susan Peirce Thompson (Bright Line Eating), Jake Wood (Once a Warrior), Cait Flanders (The Year of Less), Chris Bailey (The Productivity Project; Hyperfocus), Paul Jarvis (Company of One), and the new work of New York Times bestselling author of The Nanny Diaries, Nicola Kraus.
Today, Lucinda enjoys teaching writers of all stages to improve their query packages and find their big idea. She is the author of Get Signed: Find An Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author, published with Hay House in February of 2024.
"Lucinda is an aspiring author's secret weapon. By August, I was thrilled to be offered representation... and by December, I had a book deal!"
Sara McElroy - Author of Women Who Walk
"Having already written a book, I was trying to understand the ins and outs of the publishing world and get some guidance with regards to my next steps. Lucinda gave me all the clarity I needed. She answered any questions I could dream up, grounded me, inspired me, and set me straight on my road to getting signed."
Troy Hadeed - Author of My Name is Love
"Lucinda's teachings on how to write an effective query letter got me a publishing contract within two weeks of sending out my proposal! Lucinda has a lot of energy and her passion to help you succeed is extraordrinary!"
Lee H. Rosen - Author of The Five
"Lucinda combines a positive attitude with constructive criticism to give authors inspiration and specific guidance. Her experience and advice is relevant for both new authors and those already published. I have renewed hope.
Heather Buchanan - Memoirist
Our Publishing Pro Package is for writers of all genres! Fiction or nonfiction, this program is designed to assist writers of any type, no matter what stage of the publishing process you're in. We don't need you to bring anything but yourself and a desire to publish a book!
Our expert consultations are educational strategy sessions where you can discuss your challenges and goals directly with a publishing professional, no matter if you're brand new or seasoned. No experience or preparation is needed.
Material review (of a formal query letter, manuscript, book proposal, etc.) is offered as part of the second meeting within this coaching package, though there is no pressure for you to come prepared with a perfect draft of your materials whatsoever. The more rough and the earlier in the process the better to gain the strongest feedback that will eliminate wasted time and effort.
Most writers will never have the opportunity to meet in an individualized setting with an agent or editor. We can guarantee it.
Your purchase today simply guarantees that you are reserving time to speak with one of our publishing professionals when you are ready. When you set your meeting, you will be able to select a date and time that suits your schedule best! If you'd like to meet with one of our Pros this year, please note that their schedules can fill quickly.
Your first appointment can be booked at anytime within a month after registration. From there you will have another three months to book your follow up consultation. We don't want you to lose momentum!
Plus there is no fee if you ever need to reschedule an appointment. We understand life happens!
Each consultation lasts for 50 minutes, and is held over Zoom from the comfort of your own home or office. When you receive the booking link, you can select from the available times and dates that works best for your schedule to meet with our agents.
The publishing expert you meet with will be able to review up to 25 pages of your work for your second meeting together. This material you provide is up to you! It can be anything related to your book project, such as a sample of your manuscript or book proposal, your query letter draft, or a marketing plan outline. Our experts will evaluate your material to help provide education and solutions to your publishing challenges and goals.
The Agent-Ready Roadmap is a customized plan, curated by the Lucinda Literary team, that contains guided next steps you can focus on to attract the attention of agents, publishers, and readers, no matter how your choose to publish your book.
Our team will create & provide your personalized roadmap after you have completed your second coaching session with your expert.
The Publishing Pro Package is hosted via the Lucinda Literary Academy, which is a separate educational division from Lucinda Literary, LLC. These services help authors get agent-ready and capture the widest possible attention for their work, whatever publishing path they choose. Evaluation of your material for agent representation is separate from this program. Participating in our programs does not guarantee an offer of representation from any agency, or a later publishing deal. We are giving you the guidance, tools, and strategy—the execution is up to you. Writers of all kinds will benefit from genre industry insights, best practices, and expert guidance to help strengthen their book projects.
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If you find your payment is not going through or the page is not loading after 4+ minutes, try visiting the page via a different web browser to complete your payment.
If you have further issues, please send us a message for assistance at support@lucindaliterary.com.
Let's get started right now
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Coaching with a Lucinda Literary Publishing Professional is an educational program provided through The Lucinda Literary Academy.
The Lucinda Literary Academy provides exclusive educational services that are part of Lucinda Literary's Educational Division. These services are designed to provide writers of any genre industry insights, best practices, and expert guidance to help strengthen their book projects. Participating in our programs does not guarantee an offer of representation or a later publishing deal, as our educational division is separate from the Lucinda Literary agency.
If you are looking to query Lucinda Literary's agents with your book, please submit your query through the Lucinda Literary website.
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